Infrastructure for online and innovative learning


Develop infrastructure to create and support online and innovative learning

To enable the campus to be a leader within online education and be at the forefront of implementing innovative learning strategies, key infrastructure and support requirements must be satisfied, as outlined by the following initiatives:

  • Create collaboration environments to assist faculty and students
  • Streamline registering for courses in a variety of modalities and combining different kinds of learning experiences in the context of an overall degree program
  • Develop and deploy the IT infrastructure needed to incorporate 21st century instructional technologies into learning spaces
  • Create a new physical space on campus for faculty and staff that provides hands-on support for exploring how best to use innovative technology to enhance teaching and learning
  • Create and support instructional tools that enable a full range of pedagogical approaches and flexibility in responding to students’ needs
  • Provide content creation, delivery services and infrastructure for new and evolving instructional systems
  • Incorporate principles of universal design in the creation of online instructional content and online to create optimal learning environments to ensure equal access
  • Develop a common set of terminology and messaging about the online/blended experiences at Illinois
  • Establish a campus level system for cataloging, storing and reusing multimedia elements for teaching and Public Affairs
  • Establish a consistent and predictable revenue model that can return resources to units to incentivize and support innovation
  • Use student expertise/insights to develop IT services for student and others’ use
  • Create a framework and process to manage student-developed IT services


  • Percentage of students taking online, blended, or flipped courses
  • Percentage of classrooms with technology
  • Percentage of instructional units that are from online, blended, or flipped courses
  • Number of instructional units from online courses from non-residential students
  • Number of instructional units delivered via MOOCs
  • Enrollment within courses aimed at building an understanding of digital technologies integrated with disciplinary and professional development
  • Percentage of projects that meaningfully include universal design principles as an item on the project plan
  • Number of learning spaces with mobile connectivity sufficient to meet learning needs
  • Percentage of faculty teaching an online, blended, or flipped course
  • Revenue generated from online courses